Beyond Method #12: Last Dance: Evaluation. I finished!!!
1. My favorite exercises include Smilebox and Shelfari. I'll be using those most of all. i can use them personally as well as professionally.
2. My lifelong learning goals include trying to keep up with technology changes, even though they proliferate exponentially! Even though I retired in June, after 43 years in libraries, I will continue to be involved with libraries as a volunteer, and as a member of TLA. If I want to keep myself relevant to the daily changes in information technology, I need to continue learning through webinars like this.
3. One of the take-aways I really like is Skype an Author. This has such great possibilities -- why didn't I know about it sooner!
4. Improvements for the course? I like the self paced learning and the exercises to hold myself accountable for actually doing the hands-on learning. Improve by continuing to provide this kind of tech training.
5. Yes, I would definitely participate if you have a similar program.
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